Patchwork and quilting are often combined in the same project, but these two have different techniques. Patchwork is the skill of sewing together different fabrics to form a pattern. On the other hand, quilting is sewing together three layers that make up a quilt – the top, the central wadding, and the backing. These kinds of quilts are captivating to look at and exciting to create.
A patchwork quilt is such a great addition to your home. Let your entire family sleep comfortably especially during winter because of its thick materials. It also lasts long enough because of the high-quality materials used in the DIY project.
Easy Patchwork Quilt Patterns
1. Orange-Blue Combi Quilt
2. Octopuses Patchwork Quilt
3. Octagon with Diamond Center
4. Kaffe Flower Patchwork Quilt
5. Ice Cream Soda Block Quilt
6. Hexies Quilts
7. Heart Shape Quilt
8. Gorgeous Pink Patchwork
9. Educational Quilt
10. Delicate Stitched V Design Patches
11. Cute Cushion Quilt
12. Cultivating Quilt Pattern
13. Coat Quilt
14. Christmas Triangle Pattern Quilts
15. Blanket Neutral Quilt
16. Blanket and Pillow Case Combo
17. Abstract Women with Butterflies Patchwork
18. X Insects Patchwork Quilt
19. William Morris Patchwork Jacket
20. Whimsy Patchwork Quilt
21. Three Blocks of Foxes Patchwork
22. Stunning Asymmetric Block Patchwork
23. Square Patchwork Quilt Pouch
24. Remnant Top Patchwork
25. Pot Holder Patchwork
26. Pillow Case Circle Pattern Quilts
27. Personalized Outfit Patchwork Quilt
28. Patchwork Path Quilt Pattern
29. Patchwork Parterre Patterns
30. Origami Patchwork Quilt
31. T-Shirt Quilts
32. Triangle Design
33. Traditional Design
34. Strip Patchwork
35. Sports-Themed
36. Spiral Patchwork
37. Simple Patchwork for Nursery Room
38. Navy Theme
39. Colorful Spikes
40. Random Patchwork Patterns
41. Queen-sized Quilt
42. Plain Quilt
43. Pink Patchwork for Girls
44. Pink Flowers Quilt Image
45. Photo Patchwork Quilt
46. Basic Quilt Design
47. Sorority Quilt
48. Beautiful Quilts
49. Quilt for Kids
50. For Masters Bedroom
51. Quilt for Girls
52. Moroccan Quilt
53. Goodlife
54. Folded Flock
55. Fall-Themed
56. Elegant Quilt as Gift
57. Different Shape Quilt Patchwork
58. Diamond-shaped Quilt
59. Cute Random Patch Design
60. Cute Quilt for Husband
61. Crochet
62. Creatively Colorful Design
63. Colorful Pattern Patch Quilt
64. Colorful Quilt Design
65. Colorful Cross
66. Circle Quilt Design
67. Campus Shirt Patch Quilt
68. Blue Checkered and Dots Quilt
69. Blue and Yellow Quilts
70. Black and Gold
71. Beautiful Pink Patch Quilt
72. Baby Blue Design
73. Quilt Shirt
74. Make Quilt DIY
75. Knitted Quilt
76. Indian-Themed
77. Indian Patchwork Quilt
78. Heart Patchwork
79. Green Quilt Image
80. Green Diagonal Quilt
81. Green and Pink Flower
82. Autumn Splendor Quilts
How to make a patchwork quilt?
Making one is really simple. Just follow these steps:
In assembling a quilt, you must first accumulate scraps of fabric. Try to gather at least 6 patterns.
Depending on your tastes, these could be of uniform size or of varying sizes. Then find a quilt pattern that will suit your interest. Start cutting the fabrics in square, rectangle, and triangle shapes. Allot ΒΌ seam allowance on all sides. Then arrange the pieces exactly to see if the colors fit together.
The next step involves creating your quilt. Sew the cut pieces together. Go strip by strip. Then press the quilt top with an iron. Flatten the seams so that quilt will have a refined look when done. Use single-fabric backing for your quilt. It needs to be 8 inches wider and longer than the finished quilt top. Lay the backing on the floor, the pretty side facing down.
Tape the top and bottom to the floor then continue with the sides.
It’s necessary to get this as smooth and wrinkle-free as possible, without tightly stretching the fabric. Once you are done with this, spray Quilter’s 505 liberally over the fabric. Smoothly lay the quilt batting over the top of the fabric. It will tend to hold creases from where it was folded. Spray an additional layer of 505 on the batting.
Place the quilt top next, face up. Flatten out any wrinkles, until the quilt top sits perfectly even. Pin the sections with a space of 6 inches apart.
Start pinning from the core going outward, in concentric circles. Any excess fabric is pushed to the outer part of the quilt to avoid bunching up toward the center. Once everything is pinned, remove the quilt from the floor. Start sewing it all together. Once the quilt is fully stitched, cut off the unwanted bits that exist around the edges.
Then the last step would be forming the binding.
Cut enough long strips to surround your quilt. These will form a smooth border around the edges of your quilt. The strips need to be a bit longer than your quilt to overlap on both sides. If you don’t have long strips, sew the short strips together to cover the length of the quilt.
Then align the binding strip with the top edge of the quilt and then pin along the long edge of the quilt. Sew from one end to the other. Carefully cut the excess binding off when you reach the end. The bottom of the binding must align perfectly with the bottom of the quilt. Repeat for the opposing side and the other two sides.
Final Thoughts and a Small Thing to Ask
Creating your own patchwork quilt is such a self-fulfilling accomplishment using your sewing machine. It will not only improve your patience, but you will also grow in your creative abilities each time you complete a quilting project. DIY projects are surely a great way to keep you relaxed during your spare time.
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